ASK Wellness: W-18 is on our doorstep

May 13, 2016 | 4:07 PM

KAMLOOPS — Kamloops social agencies say a street drug 100 times stronger than fentanyl is not far away.

Bob Hughes of ASK Wellness says W18, most recently found in Calgary, is now in Kelowna.

Hughes says that increases the risks for drug users well beyond what the community has seen before, even with fentanyl.

He notes the entire community can help save lives.

“If you see somebody who’s laying on the grass and down, stop and take a look. Maybe they’re someone who has been a victim of this drug,” said Hughes. “Secondly is to make sure we can get as many naloxone kits out into this community, trying to really get that message out to be aware.”

Hughes anticipates there will be overdoses from W-18 in Kamloops in the coming weeks, and he hopes the community can respond quickly.