Kamloops and Area

Merritt teacher raising money for kids to play sports on hike to Mount Everest base camp
NAMCHE BAZAR, NEPAL - Randi Gardypie of Merritt is in northeastern Nepal on a fundraising hike to Mount Everest South Base Camp, more than 5,000 metres above sea level. One of her friends started a GoFundMe account to help with travel and equipment costs, but Gardypie plans to donate all of the money raised to children...
17h ago
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Cooperative Community Wildfire Response
One month left for community response organizations to apply for grant-funded wildfire training and PPE
KAMLOOPS - There's about one month left in the application window for community groups looking to receive wildland firefighting training and supply of personal protective equipment (PPE). It's part of a Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) pilot program the Thompson Nicola Regional District is facilitating, using provinci...
17h ago
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Referendum date to be selected soon for proposed fire protection expansion in Tobiano, Cherry Creek
KAMLOOPS - A referendum date will soon be chosen to determine if Tobiano and Cherry Creek residents want the Thompson Nicola Regional District to borrow $3 million to build a new fire hall for the area. The regional district needs to gain public approval for the borrowing needed to pay for the new fire service. And if ...
17h ago
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Opposition parties gearing up for federal election in anticipation of potential writ drop this weekend
KAMLOOPS - The next federal election in Canada must be held no later than October 20, 2025. According to polls, the Conservatives are in the driver's seat to form government, and put to an end 10 years of Liberal rule in the country. However, the recent leadership change from Justin Trudeau to Mark Carney has provided ...
18h ago
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Do Some Good

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Post stories on http://DoSomeGood.ca or the app and we’ll feature them to celebrate local acts of goodness.
Local Good
Helping others makes us happier, but it matters HOW we do it
Check out this TEDtalk where Elizabeth Dunn focuses on how "Helping others makes us happier". Now, this seems straightforward, but to some this is controversial and this topic can actually get quite heated. I've recently had discussions where people have said that helping others should be done, for no other reason, than it is the right thing to do. But I pose this to you...what if a person has good intentions to help others, but the driving force or the most important WHY to them is that it makes them happy and it feels good...is that wrong? Imagine a person saying: "Can you believe this guy? He saw an elderly woman struggling with her groceries, so he helped her carry them and now he's walking away with a smile on his face. The nerve! How dare he feel joy or happiness from helping her; he should simply be doing it because it's the right thing to do." As we approach this topic, I think it's important that we be careful not to judge. There's a quote that stands out from Chris Anderson's book Infectious Generosity: "We need not discount the generosity of others just because they may have additional motives for doing what they do… We should be encouraging each other, not finding reasons to tear each other down." So, if you have the time, watch the video and hear out Elizabeth Dunn as she says "Let's stop thinking about giving as just this moral obligation and start thinking of it as a source of pleasure". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUKhMUZnLuw
20d ago
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Local Good
Scientists find that kindness is good for your health
When was the last time someone was kind to you? Or you were kind to someone else? What were the ripple effects of those moments? A few days ago, a colleague offered to help me meet a deadline since he had extra time and I was busy. It made me feel appreciated and supported, and eager to aid him in return. Also a few days ago, I wrote a “thinking of you” note to a friend going through a tough time. She was surprisingly grateful, which made the rest of my day feel lighter and more meaningful. None of this would surprise scientists. The “science of kindness” finds that being kind to others not only makes us happier but also healthier. Literally. According to the Mayo Health Clinic, when we are kind, our blood pressure goes down and our serotonin and dopamine—the well-being and satisfaction chemicals in our brain—go up.Being kind helps us as individuals. It also makes our communities healthier. Kindness is contagious. One study showed this by giving participants a certain amount of money, having some of them receive a kind act, and then give part of their money to a stranger. Those who had received a kindness were more generous than those who hadn’t. They paid the kindness forward. We’re so wired to respond to kindness that we don’t even have to actually do it. We become more generous if we just think about doing something kind, or if we see another person do a kindness. This even works in polarized situations. Another study found that thinking about kindness (“befriending meditation”) can reduce our negative feelings about people from the other political party.So why don’t we do kind acts more often? We tend to underestimate exactly how meaningful it will be for the other person when we are kind. We’re shy.We can get over this. We can treat kindness like a muscle, practicing and strengthening our ability. An Oxford University study showed that doing a kind action every day for seven days increased people’s happiness. The more kind acts participants did, the happier they were, regardless of whether the kindness was towards, family, friends, strangers, or themselves. For the full article by Melinda Burrell, and to take part in a 7-day kindness challenge, visit: https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/03/29/be-a-rainbow-in-someone-elses-cloud-how-kindness-makes-us-all-stronger/
20d ago
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