Electoral boundary commission hears opposition to proposed changes in Kamloops
KAMLOOPS — Currently there are 87 provincial electoral districts in British Columbia. However, a proposal from B.C.’s Electoral Boundary Commission could see that number increased by six to 93 districts. Four of the newly created districts would be in the lower mainland, while Vancouver Island and the Interior will also increase by one riding.
Kamloops is currently served by two MLAs in the ridings of Kamloops – North Thompson and Kamloops – South Thompson, with the city essentially cut in half along the Thompson River. The electoral boundary commission is proposing to change that.
“The changes in the population of British Columbia, which has increased by 300,000 people over the past five years, make a difference. The principle of representation by population is fundamental to democracy and we want to have relative equality of voting power across the province,” said Justice Nitya Iyer, Chair of the Electoral Boundary Commission.