The full audit investigating some of Sukh Gill's spending was revealed by the TNRD on Monday (Image Credit: CFJC Today)

Full TNRD audit reveals former CAO Gill’s spending habits for many years

Jan 24, 2022 | 3:59 PM

KAMLOOPS — From expenses without itemized receipts to purchases for friends and family, and even accepting vacations from a Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) contractor, former CAO Sukh Gill seemingly did it all, according to an audit conducted by BDO Canada.

In the full audit released Monday (Jan. 24) by TNRD, it details the more than $750,000 of expenses from Gill, including an instance at Nandi’s Flavours of India where Gill increased the bill from $12,000 to $20,000 with no explanation.

“There were quite a few things that stood out to me — not in a good way,” TNRD Vice-Chair Barbara Roden says. “I think one of the things that really surprised me was a lack of itemization on receipts… I’m not an accountant, but just seeing something as simple as that appears not to have been done was very, very frightening.”

The report also outlined how Gill was able to get away with an inappropriate culture of spending for many years. The report investigated spending from 2015 to 2019, and one employee claims that Gill influenced the board and – “in some instances” – fired people who challenged his leadership and how he conducted business.

“That is frankly terrifying. If those allegations are true, that is a terrible abuse of power to hold over someone. If they do the right thing, they will be fired,” Roden says. “That is absolutely unconscionable.”

The report summarizes alleged bullying and harassment by Gill at the TRND where, in some situations, he pressured staff and board members to charge meals to their TNRD credit cards to cut down on his own spending. In addition, the report speaks to instances where Gill claimed certain employees were present at restaurants when they actually didn’t attend.

“That just bogles the mind how that happens and the fact it happened on more than one occasion,” Roden notes. “Once, perhaps he just got confused about who was there, but it’s the repeated pattern that is very, very worrying.”

The report reaffirmed that Gill spent the most money — more than $27,000 — at Nandi’s Flavours of India over the five-year period. There were also allegations of Gill buying backpacks for family, gift cards for friends and family, and an $1,100 jewelry purchase in Vancouver.

The report also claims, “Individual 29 [Sukh Gill] accepting invitations to a vacation residence of a TNRD contractor on at least two occasions.”

The TNRD’s current CAO Scott Hildebrand is relieved these details are finally out.

“It’s a good feeling. It’s nice to get this information out,” Hildebrand says. “We promised the public that we would do it and be transparent and ensure some context and some detail. The report speaks for itself.”

Hildebrand says about 20 per cent of the 65 recommendations have been addressed and started shortly after Gill “retired” in early 2020.

“Some of the requirements around detailed expenses and CAO expenses being approved by the board chair,” Hildebrand says. “Both of those were put in place under the interim CAO Randy Diehl. I’ve been able to take those and we’re just adding more detail, more rigor, and making sure everything is done right.”

Roden adds, “We are not just going to be pay lip service to these recommendations. They are going to be implemented. They are going to be enforced going forward.”

Hildebrand, TNRD staff, and the board know it’s going to take some time to regain the public’s trust, but the work has already started.

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