Community rallying together for Kamloops youngster facing rare kidney condition
KAMLOOPS — Ferris Backmeyer is a bright, smily four-year-old. What her face doesn’t show is the incredible stress that her tiny body has been through over the past few years.
Ferris has Mainzer-Saldino syndrome, which brought upon kidney failure at an extremely young age and the need for a new kidney.
“Shortly after COVID hit there was a hold put on all transplants actually, it was I want to say a couple of months,” said Lindsay Backmeyer, Ferris’s mother. “All people that were waiting were kind of taken off, just like all the surgeries got cancelled. So there were a couple of months when she wasn’t listed then. And then she kind of just got listed again, or they started doing transplants again in the summer — like in June I think — and then she got sick.”