GINTA: Judgment prevents us from remembering that everyone carries a story
A FEW DAYS AGO, I read an opinion piece about Mother’s Day. The author, a teacher by profession, argued that less emphasis on the joy of Mother’s Day in the school environment would spare some kids the heartbreak they experience as they do not have an all-around loving and warm mother figure — whether due to social circumstances, medical or any other. The many reminders almost seem cruel, the author pointed out. I nodded in agreement as I read the piece.
The readers’ comments mostly denounced the ‘snowflake’ attitude, counterarguing that we cannot be so overly inclusive and accommodate everyone whenever a special day is up. Some people’s feelings are going to be hurt but hey, life’s tough so they better get used to it.
Heartless opinions, when the said (and sad) feelings belong to children who do not ask to be born but they happen in this world because their parents make it happen. And unfortunately, being born does not come with guarantees of being loved and cared for. Also, while some mothers choose to leave their babies behind, there are many who cannot be the mothers they want to be and that’s where things get complicated.