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One Man's Opinion

COLLINS: Public safety is the Number One issue

May 9, 2024 | 6:00 AM

THE DRUG CRISIS IS BAD. Shortages of nurses, doctors and teachers are at critically dangerous levels. Affordable housing is on the minds of everyone.

But without a doubt, public safety is the Number One issue in Kamloops right now. Look at everything that has been happening over the past few months. People have been killed, their bodies discovered in remote areas. Drive-by shootings in broad daylight. Police takedowns on busy streets. Historic buildings set on fire. Drug addicts scaring people in local parks. The list goes on.

I am told by many of my social media friends they are nervous about walking downtown at night, and walking in local parks is a strict “no-go”. Even in residential areas, people are nervous.

Vehicle break-ins are on the rise and items are being stolen right out out of back yards.

What I want to to know is what’s being done. I have seen nothing from the city’s Public Safety Committee that indicates anything is happening beyond some fluff and political blustering.

People have a right to be frustrated. The RCMP seem to operate in a vacuum these days. They sometimes put out a notice but often it is several days late and of little value.

“RCMP are looking for a black pickup believed to have been involved in a shooting two weeks ago. If you have any information…” What are the chances I’m going to remember something that far back? What a waste of effort.

And I don’t want to hear the top cop saying things like, “All our available resources are being focused on solving these crimes.” Baloney. That doesn’t wash. Supt. Jeff Pelley is an excellent police officer but we need transparency here. What is our plan using all those available resources? We need answers.

And although I say this tongue-in cheek, the opioid crisis, the homeless situation, even the critical health crisis are not top-of-mind for me right now. What I want is to be able feel safe in my own home without worrying about someone shooting people outside my door. If my safety might be compromised, I’m in no mood to worry about other problems.

I’m Doug Collins and that’s One Man’s Opinion.

Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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