ROTHENBURGER: “Inadmissible patrons policy” raises plenty of questions

Nov 28, 2018 | 4:28 AM

KAMLOOPS — KAMLOOPS WILL GET a new policing program at the end of the week aimed at making bars, restaurants and other businesses safer places to be.

Called the Inadmissible Patrons Policy, it can result in certain patrons being removed or denied entry if he or she is deemed to be “an inadmissible patron.”

That’s defined as “an individual who is wearing or displaying gang colours or insignia, and/or an individual whose lifestyle, associations and activities, directly or indirectly, pose a risk to public safety.”

That might be someone involved in organized crime, in the drug trade, or someone with a history of firearms offences or other criminal activity.

OK, all that sounds good. After all, what business owner or customer would want people in the establishment with those kinds of backgrounds?

But the catch-all definition of “inadmissible patron” is broad enough to drive a bus through it. Who’s to decide what kind of a lifestyle “directly or indirectly” poses a risk to public safety.

The answer is that RCMP will have a ton of discretion. When asked, a patron must provide valid identification to assist in confirming “admissibility.” Refusal to provide ID will result in denial of service and eviction.

The new program appears to be based on a similar policy launched in New Westminster five years ago, and raises all kinds of questions.

How effective have such programs proven to be? Is public safety really enhanced?

What are the civil rights issues raised by such a policy? If a person is judged by police to be undesirable, who long does he or she remain on the banned list?

Everybody wants a safe environment in bars, restaurants and other businesses, but this is one program that will need a whole lot of careful watchdogging and thorough, regular review.

I’m Mel Rothenburger, the Armchair Mayor.

Mel Rothenburger is a former mayor of Kamloops and newspaper editor. He publishes the opinion website, and is a director on the Thompson-Nicola Regional District board. He can be reached at