GINTA: Let’s never give up on making people’s lives better
It’s 4:00 am on Saturday. I wake up thirsty and amble my way into the kitchen, fill a glass with water and drink it to the last drop. I return to bed and snuggle back under the covers. Warm and comfortable, I fall back asleep.
The first thought that surfaces on that bright and sunny morning goes straight to the boy at the heart of one of the saddest community tragedies that took place in Kamloops, as someone recently called it on the fundraiser page. Jessie Simpson, whom I mentioned in a recent column, questioning whether the justice system betrayed his cause. (I think it did.)
Following the savage beating he endured on the morning of June 19, 2016, (he miraculously came out of a 10-month-long coma, and has been relearning some basic skills since,) Jessie cannot get up to get himself a glass of water, no matter how thirsty. He relies on someone else to do it. Nor can he shift his position in bed to make himself more comfortable. He can move but his right arm.
The list of issues that will be with Jessie from here onwards is a long one. His needs are immense and often overwhelming for his mom, Susan Simpson, but she sails through it all with countless hugs and kisses for ‘my Jessie’. She doesn’t plan to give up, ever.