A couple of positive outcomes to the political spectrum assignment controversy

Oct 5, 2018 | 5:00 AM

LOST IN THE UPROAR over the class assignment on the political spectrum given by the teacher at Valleyview Secondary were a couple of real positives.

The Grade 10 socials class was discussing what characteristics are typical of a left-thinking person and what would typify a right-thinking person.

A parent became outraged at the suggestion that racism is the domain of the right wing, and said he’s contacted administration about the assignment.

There are a couple of really great outcomes from this hullabaloo.

First, the very fact that the parent is discussing school work and assignments with his child and not glossing over them or ignoring them all together is tremendously positive.

There are many parents who do not want to engage with their childrens’ curriculum whatsoever.

His actions in contacting school administration and being open to working with the school are also very responsible and constructive.

Sharing the assignment on social media may have taken the debate to places that aren’t completely constructive, but that was his choice.

And that leads us to the other great outcome that has sprung forth from this ruckus.

Many, many people in Kamloops, across the province and across the country are now discussing the political spectrum.

They are discussing whether racism really is the domain of the right, or if it’s just that a certain conservative political party in a nearby world superpower has stoked and emboldened previously latent racism as a means to power.

Not only that, they are discussing pedagogy — the method of teaching.

Was it right for this teacher to ascribe such a vile value as racism to so large an ideological group as the right wing?

Or was the teacher being intentionally provocative – something more typical of university professors than high school socials teachers?

If the goal was to get people talking — and that’s a good and positive goal — mission accomplished.

Now let’s move that discussion in the right direction.