Horgan-Wilkinson debate just what the pro rep doctor ordered

Sep 26, 2018 | 7:07 AM

KAMLOOPS — A DEBATE BETWEEN Premier John Horgan and Opposition Leader Andrew Wilkinson on proportional representation should be a no-brainer.

Wilkinson has challenged Horgan to debate the pros and cons of pro rep in comparison to First Past the Post so British Columbians can be clear about the options.

As Wilkinson puts it, voters deserve to have as much information as possible about the three different systems proposed by the government and about the consequences of change versus the status quo.

Since Horgan has already launched his own campaign promoting pro rep in advance of the October mail-in referendum, he should have no problem accepting Wilkinson’s challenge. At this writing, he’s thinking it over.

So let’s flesh it out a little. While Wilkinson is leaving the format, the date and the venue open — probably to make it hard for Horgan to turn it down on technicalities — it should be broadcast live on provincewide television for at least an hour to an hour and a half.

It needs to be held under traditional debate rules so the public can easily compare the arguments of each side on the various details of the issue.

Wilkinson and Horgan should debate not only the general principles of FPTP versus the three alternative pro rep systems proposed by the government, but the details of each system, as well as the process for how we got to this point.

As to whether Green Party leader Andrew Weaver should be part of the debate — no, he shouldn’t, though it might help out Wilkinson as Weaver and Horgan try to divide time at the microphone.

Let’s keep it simple, unlike the referendum itself.

The debate as proposed by Wilkinson could do a lot to raise awareness of the referendum and increase the turnout. And it could spur local-level debates as well. Where are the chamber of commerce, the media, the TRU faculty association in organizing debates in Kamloops?

So let the debates begin. Over to you, John Horgan.

I’m Mel Rothenburger, the Armchair Mayor.