Cunning as Serpents and Innocent as Doves

Jul 15, 2018 | 10:50 AM

This week Miranda Hoffman sent a video to the CFJC Newsroom of a rattlesnake crossing her path out near Tranquille Creek. The Newsroom then posted that short clip to their social media.

There was no audio, no set-up, no planning, no expense and no strategy; just time, place and the wisdom to take and send in the footage (well done, Miranda!).

In less than 24 hours that dang snake had garnered 682 likes, 2,309 shares, over 111, 000 views and, like, a billion comments on Facebook alone; just by hanging out and being a long worm on a random Tuesday.

Every single day artists slave at their canvases, filmmakers pour out their hearts, journalists agonize over their stories, dancers labour at their craft, writers grind away at their books/articles/poems/columns *ahem* etc. in hopes that their offering will resonate with an audience.

And that spawn of Satan just casually slides out for an afternoon haunting and the world goes absolutely mad for its impromptu presentation.

Hear me loud and clear: I’m not judging anyone for liking/sharing/watching that disgusting creature. I instinctively loathe snakes and yet I was compelled to watch that 9 second clip at least 20 times!

For a hot minute I was tempted to be jealous of that rattler’s instant success, but after further consideration I realized that I shouldn’t begrudge or resent that sauntering serpent.

Instead I chose to admire his opportunistic timing and his ability to seize the day and I’m now rooting for his future success; carpe diem, Mr. Snake! If one public appearance could garner him this kind of following then I look forward to seeing the brand he builds for himself on Instagram, the political office he will take a (metaphorical) run at and the companies he will be ambassador for. I even promise that I will be the first person in line for a signed copy of his memoir, “The Path Less Slithered” detailing his spontaneous journey from sagebrush to stardom if he writes it.

That rotten rattler was living his very best life this week and – reptile averse or not – I’m cheering him on because he reminded me of a few important life lessons:

1. Never try to compete with nature, you’ll lose every time; nothing we can create can compete with creation.

2. When hiking in Kamloops always look down for rattlesnakes, up for cougars, around for bears and thoroughly for ticks.

3. Always be yourself because people respond best when you’re just being you. Ensure that everything you do is from an authentic place; a place that’s honest instead of pandering.

4. I have a feeling that rattlesnake’s infamy will not have longevity. Almost anything that goes the distance is built with hard work and dedication. His authenticity might be admirable but his dedication – much like his physical self – appears to lack some legs.

5. Cheer on anyone who is doing well; no one loses anything by applauding the success of others. But also remember to be wary when championing a creature with a mixed reputation, because everyone knows: once bitten, twice shy.

Whatever that limbless lizard chooses to do with his unexpected springboard to prominence, I am thankful that he put his best “foot” forward and meandered into our lives. You just never know when inspiration will strike, but when it comes to a Rattler better it comes from its fame than its fang.