Horgan applauds Kamloops mayor for approach to wildfire crisis
WHISTLER, B.C. — NDP Premier John Horgan tipped his hat to three B.C. mayors — including Kamloops Mayor Ken Christian — for their collaborative approach to the wildfire crisis.
He did so in his keynote speech at the UBCM conference in Whistler today.
“I spoke with Mayor Christian from Kamloops. He and Mayor Hall (Prince George) and Basran from Kelowna have already started to collaborate on bringing research chairs to UNBC, to UBCO Okanagan and Thompson Rivers. That’s an initiative I support,” said Horgan.
“I talked with the minister of finance about how we can enable having research chairs in our Interior institutions to make sure that we’re getting real-time information and state-of-the-art thinking on how we can better prepare to get those interface fires under control.”