KYSA director to receive B.C. Soccer Award of Merit
KAMLOOPS — The Kamloops Youth Soccer Association (KYSA) is pleased to announce that one of its directors has been chosen to receive an Award of Merit from BC Soccer at their Annual General Meeting in Burnaby, June 9th.
Colin Guise, 47, is the second Kamloops’ resident to be so honoured in recent memory. Former KYSA President Graham Cope received the same award at the BC Soccer AGM last year.
A BC Soccer Award of Merit is presented to individuals in recognition of contributions to soccer, during a period of ten or more years, as a player, manager, coach, official, or administrator at a club, district, or league level.
Guise’s commitment to the KYSA for over a decade has been truly outstanding. At one time Vice-President of the association, Guise has also served in just about every position there is on the KYSA board and presently chairs the Discipline Committee, which he has done for the past five years.
Guise suffered a life threatening brain abscess in January of 2015. He underwent two major surgeries to treat the abscess and spent many months in rehabilitation to get himself back on his feet. For the last couple of years he has managed to return to his first love––refereeing, as well as to his role as a KYSA director.
The soccer community rallied round him in the wake of this serious setback and raised a significant amount of money to help the Guise family (wife Jody and daughters Briana and Kaitlyn) through a very tough time.
“I am truly thrilled and humbled to have been nominated by KYSA to receive this recognition,” says Guise. “And very appreciative that BC Soccer has chosen me to be one of a handful of individuals from around the province to be so honoured this year!
“I have loved my involvement with KYSA over the years and I’m happy to have been able to give back to the community.”
Guise has announced that this will be his last year on the KYSA board.