Kamloops’ housing needs report amplifies depth of housing issues
KAMLOOPS — Every municipality in British Columbia is required to complete a housing needs report every four years. On Tuesday (Dec 10), Kamloops plan was presented to city council. The plan highlights housing needs throughout the community over the next five- and 20-year increments.
These reports identify existing and projected gaps in housing supply by collecting and analyzing information about local demographics, economics, housing stock and other factors, including projected growth of a community. According to BC Stats, Kamloops is projected to reach more than 140,000 residents by 2040.
“The total number of units we are needing in the five years is 7,856, and in 20 years it’s 23,228. This accommodates growth, population growth, but there are some other factors in there, like housing preferences, vacancy rate, there is something called suppressed formation, so it’s basically people who would like to create a separate household. Perhaps they are living with their parents or with a roommate but would like create their own household but can’t for affordability reasons,” outlined Community Planning Manager Stephen Bentley.