No snow means City of Kamloops streets crews stay busy elsewhere
KAMLOOPS — The last few months of 2023 have brought us one of the milder winters in memory, thus far. That means city streets crews have had a reprieve from traditional snow and ice mitigation work.
However, that doesn’t mean those crews haven’t been busy with other work. With very little snow-clearing and minimal ice control work for those crews to do, they’ve been able to tackle other work, like patching and sweeping.
“It’s been a great blessing for us to continue patching and sweeping. We even swept in early December, as well,” City of Kamloops Streets and Environmental Services Manager Glen Farrow explains. “A lot of questions arise from it, but sweeping definitely helps remove a lot of leaves and debris. Anything more we sweep up now, the less we’ll have to do during the big spring cleanup.”