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Wildfire crews expand containment efforts on Ross Moore Lake wildfire, aim to get fire guards closer to perimeter

Jul 27, 2023 | 10:58 AM

KAMLOOPS — The BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) indicates the next three days could be an optimistic timeline in battling the Ross Moore Lake wildfire burning south of Kamloops.

In an update Thursday (July 27) morning, the wildfire service says crews with heavy equipment are building a containment line for the northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest flanks with an estimated completion timeline of three days. On Wednesday, the service stated crews were only building the containment line on the north and northwest borders.

The weather forecast is not expected to significantly increase fire behaviour. The service says the expected fire behaviour will allow crews to create fire guards closer to the current fire perimeter.

Overall, the Ross Moore Lake wildfire is burning at Rank 1 and 2, meaning a creeping ground fire. Although the service mentions some pockets are burning at Rank 3, a more organized flame front spreading at a moderate rate, due to unburnt fuels within the total fire perimeter.