Sitka (on the left) and Cali (on the right) (Image Credit: CFJC News)
Clearwater dogs

Seven of 15 dogs seized from Clearwater property adopted and doing well

Mar 6, 2023 | 4:06 PM

KAMLOOPS – Now running, jumping and playing, Cali and Sitka have come a long way since they were surrendered to the BC SPCA in January.

Watching them play, it’s hard to believe the pups were two of the 15 dogs on the verge of starvation found on a property in Clearwater.

Both are on their way to recovery — Cali at the Kamloops shelter and Sitka at a foster home.

“He was in pretty sad shape when we got him,” Sitka’s foster parent, Bob Slade, told CFJC News. “He was hard to look at. We had to keep his coat on.”

The seven puppies – only 10 weeks old at the time of the seizure – have all been adopted through the BC SPCA.

“We still have a number of dogs here and at another centre, they are doing good, they are doing well so they are slowly improving their health,” said Ashley Fontaine-Ost, senior manager for the BC SPCA Thompson-Nicola Region.

Though recovery has been a long and expensive process, the community of Clearwater has stepped up to help pay for vet visits and care to rehabilitate the dogs.

Lee Christensen and others in the community hosted a fundraiser with the goal of raising $5,000 for the 15 dogs.

“Everybody wanted to do something. Our town was almost traumatized by just how horrible it was,” Christensen explained.

The group raised more than $8,000 and made the trip to Kamloops to see the fruits of their labour.

Cali and Sitka still have more recovering to do before they can be adopted into their new homes but the shelter and Sitka’s foster parents think the future is bright.

The backyard breeder accused of animal abuse went to trial last month and a verdict is expected in the coming weeks.

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