(Image Credit: CFJC News)
Ryan Shtuka

Five years after Ryan Shtuka’s disappearance, his family finds comfort and connection at Sun Peaks

Feb 17, 2023 | 4:11 PM

KAMLOOPS – Friday (Feb.17) marks five years since Ryan Shtuka disappeared after leaving a party in Sun Peaks.

Years of searches of the ski village have passed but police still have no answers to offer Ryan’s family.

“I just remember going, ‘Shouldn’t I know? Shouldn’t I know – that he’s not here anymore? Wouldn’t we have felt it?’” Heather Shtuka, Ryan’s mother told CFJC News Friday.

February 17, 2018 was the last time anyone saw Ryan Shtuka.

The 20-year-old vanished after a house party in the snow-covered ski resort of Sun Peaks. He was believed to have been headed home, just a 5-minute walk away.

Commemorating the date, the Shtukas have made their way to Sun Peaks – a place they feel a connection to Ryan.

That’s why the mountain-top destination is the perfect location for this weekend’s plans to honour their son among family and friends.

The five years since Ryan’s disappearance have brought unimaginable grief. But what the family never expected was the extensive community support – even from people who never met Ryan.

Despite the years passing by, Ryan’s family members say they won’t stop searching until they can bring him home.

“We’re always searching we’re always creating awareness because it’s the last physical thing we can do for our son,” Heather said. “There’s nothing else we can give him besides all the love that we have. But I need him to know that no matter where he is, that he matters and he deserves to come home.”

Heather’s book, Missing from Me depicts her family’s experience since Ryan’s disappearance.

Heather will be at the Kamloops Chapters Saturday (Feb. 18) afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., signing copies. On Sunday, she’ll be at the Grand Hotel in Sun Peaks from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

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