Image Credit: CFJC Today

City of Kamloops working with WildsafeBC to remind residents to be bear smart

Jun 23, 2022 | 4:25 PM

KAMLOOPS — If you’re the type to take your garbage bins out to the curb the night before collection, you may get a reminder about the city’s bylaw when it comes to garbage collection.

This week, the City of Kamloops put out a news release, reminding residents about its Bear Smart by-law, which is in effect from April 1 until November 30 each year. The by-law states residents cannot put their garbage carts on the curb before 4:00 am on pick-up days and that bear attractants cannot be stored on a property.

“We have seen a few active bears throughout Kamloops, but we’ve also seen some people not managing their garbage in the most appropriate manner,” City Streets and Environmental Services Manager Glen Farrow tells CFJC Today. “We are working very closely with WildsafeBC, as we always have, out and about tagging containers. It’s our education program, communicating that, ‘This cart shouldn’t be out during the evening. It should only be placed at the curb when it’s ready for collection.’”

Garbage is the primary attractant that brings bears into conflict with humans. Once a bear is habituated to eating trash, they will continue to seek it out as a primary food source.

Farrow says while the City has an education-first approach, they will resort to handing out fines if the issue persists.

“There is the ability for a fine through our by-law. We have sent out a few fines through the years, but usually — like most of our by-laws — there’s a warning first,” Farrow says. “The education is the focus, rather than a fine. We’re just looking for compliance, to ensure people are managing their garbage.”

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