Population growth in Kamloops city limits exceeds KamPlan projection
KAMLOOPS — Latest census reporting from Statistics Canada shows Kamloops grew by about 8.4 per cent in the last five years — from 90,280 residents living within city limits in 2016 to 97,902 in 2021.
Development, Engineering and Sustainability Director Marvin Kwiatkowski says this was a larger increase than the municipality’s typical growth range of roughly 1.25 per cent. It’s also higher than what was anticipated in the five-year Official Community Plan (also known as KamPlan) which guides planning and land use management.
“Our KamPlan number would have been 6.4 per cent so we’re a couple per cent higher in that five-year period than what KamPlan predicted. We’ll have a pretty good idea here as we see all the growth happening if we need to do some tweaks.”