Image Credit: Flickr / Province of B.C.
Sound Off

SOUND OFF: Taking action for healthy forests and strong communities

Nov 17, 2021 | 12:14 PM

B.C. IS IN THE MIDDLE of an overdue and necessary paradigm shift in our relationship with our forests and the industries and communities who rely upon them.

We know we need healthy forests to support healthy communities and to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Our government is working in partnership with First Nations and communities to move to a place where workers have a sustainable future with new, innovative forestry jobs for generations to come.

In October, we introduced legislation to put forestry planning back in the hands of the public. Earlier this month, we announced our intention to defer 2.6 million hectares of the most at-risk old growth forests in the province, in partnership with First Nations rights and titleholders. And just this week, we introduced amendments to the Forest Act to ensure First Nations, communities and smaller companies have greater opportunities to benefit from our public forests.

Under the B.C. Liberals, more than 30,000 jobs were lost and dozens of mills in communities like ours shut down. While the Interior saw massive job losses, the former government refused to provide support for our communities. Instead, under their watch, our resources were shipped overseas – all while the health of our forests suffered. By refusing to take a sustainable approach and plan for the long-term in the past, the previous government put workers and communities in the difficult position we find ourselves today.

Our approach is different. Our B.C. New Democrat government will be providing comprehensive supports for workers and communities, including new short-term employment opportunities, creating more local value-added jobs in the sector and providing funds for those interested in transitioning to retirement. Infrastructure projects in impacted regions will be accelerated to support community resiliency and additional resources will also be made available for local economic development opportunities.

Our communities deserve stable, innovative forestry jobs for generations. As soon as deferrals are confirmed, we will be there working with communities to develop the supports they need to come out stronger.

More so, they deserve diverse, vibrant economies that aren’t based solely on any one industry. That means working together with Indigenous communities and local governments to build resiliency and stability.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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