Departure Bay Eco-School students (from left) Soren Seefried, Kiran Mills, Caelan Mahony, Kristian Kovax, Delilah Maisonneuve helped put up signs throughout the Linley Valley. (submitted/Becky Thompson)

Departure Bay students explore and mark Linley Valley trails

Jun 27, 2021 | 7:00 AM

NANAIMO — The criss-crossing trails of the Linley Valley are now much less confusing and intimidating for a young Nanaimo class.

Grade 7 students from the Departure Bay Elementary Eco-School on Tuesday, 22 placed wayfinding signs along a loop they explore as part of their outdoor learning experiences. It’s now called Dolphin’s Way, named after the school mascot.

Their teacher Becky Thompson told NanaimoNewsNOW students have explored more and more of the Valley but it can be an intimidating place to wander.

“The section closest to our school is Crown-land, so the trails aren’t marked or really maintained. There’s so many trails it can be easy to get lost in there if you don’t know where you’re going.”

The loop now christened Dolphin’s Way leads to a wide open space where they play games and also takes students to the Linley Valley lookout.

“It’s a really great loop for teachers to take their students but we wanted to mark it so all the teachers, especially those who aren’t as familiar with the park, could follow our route and also for the community to enjoy because it’s a lovely place to be.”

Thompson said she’s seen her Grade 7 students come much more comfortable exploring nature since venturing into the Valley.

“It allows for the connections to this place to grow all through our community. I know many students have spent more time in Linley Valley with their families and are able to guide their parents and show them the places we go.”

Thompson said it’s hoped other trails throughout Linley Valley will be named by other classes as Departure Bay Eco-School students continue to explore.

The school was given permission by the province to hang the signs on Crown-land.

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