CHARBONNEAU: Facemasks should be worn but not be mandated
IT’S TEMPTING TO CHANGE BAD BEHAVIOUR through mandates. The reasoning is that citizens will stop doing bad things if they are told not to.
The problem with mandates is compliance. Unlike laws, which are enacted through a democratic legislature, mandates are orders issued by public officials.
An order by B.C.’s provincial health officer to use facemasks would run into two problems. The first is political. Facemask use has, unfortunately, become politicized with those who live in a parallel world of reality thinking that COIVD-19 is a hoax and facemasks represent a threat to their liberty.
I hesitate to call these pandemic deniers right-wingers because that suggests that they occupy the political spectrum. Instead, they live in an echo chamber of the Facebook vortex; a demented vision of the world projected by the outgoing president of the U.S.