ROTHENBURGER: Answering the challenge to see into the North Shore’s future
IS THE NORTH SHORE a neighbourhood or a community? I say the latter — in fact it’s a whole bunch of neighbourhoods put together — but whichever it is, it’s up for review.
City Hall is looking at the future of the area via the North Shore Neighbourhood Plan and wants to know what people think. The plan hasn’t been updated since 2008.
“The review and update of the North Shore Neighbourhood Plan will not only address new changes and land use needs on the North Shore, but also ensure the new plan is aligned with the goals and vision of KAMPLAN,” according to the City.
The final plan won’t actually be ready until next year but a short survey on the City’s website asks some general questions about how people want the North Shore to develop. It asks about vision, key issues and opportunities, for example. It even asks about logos.