Image Credit: Evan & Doug West

Fraser-Nicola MLA advocating for a collaborative approach to Stump Lake flood solution

Jun 30, 2020 | 4:51 PM

KAMLOOPS — There’s no reprieve yet for Stump Lake residents, who say the water continues to rise. In fact, it’s risen more than four and a half feet this year alone, according to one resident.

Last week, Jackie Tegart, MLA for Fraser-Nicola met with Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources Minister Doug Donaldson, along with Mike Farnworth, who is the Minister of Public Safety, about the continued rise of the lake water. Tegart has been advocating for the residents of the lake who have been scrambling to save their properties. She says meeting with both Farnworth and Donaldson is a big first step in a complicated process.

“I wanted to make sure the two ministers and their staff understood what we’re hearing from the people out at Stump Lake,” Tegart explained. “I also wanted them to understand there are so many ministries involved in this file, that we need coordination at the provincial level. When the Ministry of Transportation [and Infrastructure] is spending millions raising the road because of the flood, I think it’s incumbent upon the government to take a look at why it’s flooding.”

While the meeting was positive, Tegart warns it likely won’t meet the expectations Stump Lake residents have – at least not yet. Finding a solution will take cooperation to ensure a positive outcome for all residents – both at Stump Lake and downstream from the blockage.

“There was a commitment to the government response; a commitment to expedite and jointly fund the downstream study,” Tegart said. “[That study] will indicate to us what the impact of any lowering of the lake might be, and certainly an understanding of the urgency for the people in the watershed.”

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