(Image Credit: Chad Harris / CFJC Today)

Elevators repaired in RIH Clinical Services Building

Jan 25, 2020 | 9:28 AM

KAMLOOPS — As of last night (Jan. 24), the elevators in the Clinical Services Building at Royal Inland Hospital are now back up and running.

Jan. 17, an unexpected equipment failure downed the elevators in the Clinical Services Building (CSB) right along Columbia Street – which includes parking and some outpatient services.

In a release this morning, Interior Health says with the repairs completed, regular parking systems are back in place.

Now, RIH patient and visitor paid parking will be in the CSB’s public parkade, and staff and physician pass holder parking will return to the staff parkade behind the hospital. Signage will be in place to direct drivers back to the CSB parkade, and IH notes that this parkade is just for patients and visitors of Royal Inland Hospital.

Interior Health adds that it thanks patients, visitors, physicians, and staff for their cooperation during the last eight days without elevator service.

Services within the CSB:

Level 2: Outpatient clinics – Lab, pre-surgical screening, pulmonary function, cardiology, neurology, Vascular Improvement Program, IV therapy/ID clinic/PICC clinic, and rapid access clinics.

Level1: Outpatient clinics – Telehealth, orthopaedic clinic, TRFO – Thompson Region Family Obstetrics Clinic (maternity), Rae Fawcett Breast Health Clinic, Rae Fawcett Simulation Centre, as well as the Ken Lepin Lecture Theatre, and UBC Faculty of Medicine.

Level P1 includes the Urgent Primary Care and Learning Centre.

Levels P1 to P4 are parking for patients and visitors to RIH,