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Snow Angels

Snow Angels program in need of volunteers

Nov 13, 2019 | 5:24 PM

KAMLOOPS — The Kamloops Snow Angels program is putting out the call for more volunteers following the first snowfall of the season.

Newly appointed coordinator Chris Linton says the program received many phone calls following Tuesday’s snowfall.

Many seniors and people with disabilities rely on the program, which recruits volunteers to shovel their driveways and sidewalks.

“Historically, we have about 300 people who are needing people to shovel their driveways, and then about 150 volunteers who will shovel,” Linton said. “So, we need quite a few more folks who are willing and able to shovel their neighbour’s driveways.”

Volunteers can sign up as individuals or as families, and volunteer Kamloops will give them a coupon for a free pizza from Dominos.

Linton says everyone benefits from this arrangement.

“A number of people say they want to shovel because they like the physical exercise,” she said, “and there’s also the feeling of community, and our community in Kamloops is a really strong community, we really care about each other, so getting out and helping your neighbour is strength in that.”

Information about how to sign up for help or to volunteer as a snow angel can be found here.

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