Image Credit: CFJC Today / Kent Simmonds
Anglemont Deaths

Neighbours say occupants of Shuswap home where two bodies were found Tuesday had not been seen in days

Nov 6, 2019 | 4:49 AM

ANGLEMONT, B.C. — RCMP investigating a pair of suspicious deaths in the North Shuswap say it’s believed the deaths are “isolated in nature”.

In a news release distributed late Wednesday morning (Nov. 6), RCMP say they were called at about 3:40 p.m. Tuesday after two bodies were discovered inside a Fraser Road home in Anglemont.

Investigators are treating the deaths as suspicious, but say their earliest indicators “suggest that the incident is isolated in nature.”

According to Emergency Health Services, paramedics were called shortly after police arrived Tuesday, but were held back until 12:30 a.m. while police investigated the scene.

RCMP say they are now trying to identify the two deceased people.

There is no indication how long they had been dead inside the home. Neighbours told CFJC’s Dylana Kneeshaw they had not seen the couple who live in the home in a few days.

Neighbours also said they heard a loud bang last night after police arrived.

The neighbourhood is open to traffic as RCMP forensic investigators and the B.C. Coroners Service continue their work at the scene.

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