Image Credit: CFJC Today

Ribfest numbers expected to be on par with past few years

Aug 12, 2019 | 5:03 PM

KAMLOOPS — Despite a little rain on Sunday, thousands of people still poured into Riverside Park for the eighth annual Ribfest.

The weather held out for most of the weekend, and Friday saw more visits, and more ribs sold, than normal.

The rain came on Sunday, but it likely didn’t impact overall numbers.

“I would think that we’re probably going to be somewhat status quo based on Friday and Saturday being slightly up, and the fact that the Sunday was a little soft because of the rain,” said Ribfest Spokesperson Bryce Herman. “But, in fairness, the last three years haven’t been great between smoke and rain on Sundays. I don’t know why, but for the last three years — I think maybe the three year jinx is done so now maybe we’re going to move forward.”

Organizers do not have the final numbers for attendance or ribs sold.

Money raised from the event stays here in Kamloops and typically supports youth and seniors programs.

“We’ve started to engage people and organizations with boots on the ground at Ribfest,” Herman said. “The SPCA, for example, runs the corn tent. They have a guaranteed amount of money that they’re going to get for their participation, some of the other Rotary clubs other than Daybreak also participate and they may be doing the parking lot, or they may be doing table clearing, or they may be helping physically to put up fencing. And that goes to football clubs, basketball teams, so realistically it’s taken a bit of a turn, but the money all stays right in Kamloops.”

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