(529 Garage app in use)

529 Garage app proves its worth to Kamloops RCMP

Jul 24, 2019 | 5:20 PM

KAMLOOPS — A growing number of bike riders are making use of an RCMP app designed to combat bicycle thefts in Kamloops.

The 529 Garage app allows user to register their bikes with RCMP — making it easier to track down a bike if it’s reported stolen.

Kamloops RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Jodi Shelkie says over the last year, RCMP have been able to return many bikes through the app.

“There are more bicycles being reported missing. Whether it’s because people are using the 529 Garage app, or just because we have a population increase, or because bicycling is just becoming so popular, and more and more people have bikes, and expensive bikes,” she explains. “So yeah, we are getting more reports of bicycles being stolen.”

Along with a registration sticker provided to put on the bike, Shelkie says the photo feature on the app is useful.

“When somebody registers on the 529 app, they take a picture of their bike, and themselves with their bike,” Shelkie explains. “So when a police officer comes across a bicycle, they can confirm if the person says, ‘Oh yeah this is my bicycle and yes I registered it on the 529 Garage app’, RCMP can look at the pictures and see if it matches up with the person or not.”

While the app has been helpful to police, Shelkie does emphasize that proper lock and storage measures still need to be taken to prevent bike thefts.

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