(Stace DeWolf works on a painting)

Mental health and healing shines through Kamloops artist’s work

Jul 24, 2019 | 5:12 PM

KAMLOOPS — People are being encouraged to take a moment for themselves today, as part of International Self-Care Day.

All part of a growing push for mental health awareness, the day is meant to recognize the importance of keeping your mind in good shape.

Locally based artist, Stace DeWolf has been living out that idea- taking his former struggles and turning them into a positive experience for others.

“Art was always the one thing that was always there. Even in my darkest times, if I wasn’t doing anything, I was always thinking about it. Always wanting to create,” he explains. “When I wasn’t creating, I felt guilty about it. It was weird — it was like this constant tick in my brain.”

(DeWolf’s works on display in his studio)

The Kamloops artist has been creating since his teens, but 4 years ago his hobby took on a more serious role. After grappling with substance use and mental health problems, painting became more of a release for DeWolf.

“With my work, I think what I’ve done is I’ve just collected feelings and emotions throughout all those times in my life, and now it’s sort of a visual representation of what those feelings may look like, and how that affects people.”

Working out of his garage-turned-studio, DeWolf’s passion project has grown online, and throughout the community.

“I think people are drawn somewhat to what it (my art) means, and the images, and what sort of emotional response that they get,” he says. “Because art really should make you feel something when you look at it. ”

(Stace DeWolf)

The artist says he hopes to inspire people to engage whatever creative side they may have.

“For myself, I’ve just somehow always just managed to stay a child when it comes to imagining and dreaming, and wanting to create,” he explains. “Everyone has it, and I think it can be beaten out of us as children. And some people just managed to hang on to it.”

Part of the Kamloops Arts Council, DeWolf is an instructor in the Crossing Bridges Outreach program, which gives youth and adults in Kamloops a chance to take part in art workshops.

“I’m teaching at the Mustard Seed, and I also just picked up another job at the Canadian Mental Health Association Activity Centre on Seymour Street,” DeWolf says “So I’ll be starting that in August.”

Using bright colours within his unique style, tones of Picasso, Salvador Dali, and Rembrandt can be found within DeWolf’s work. He says a painting can be completed in anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.

(Portrait of Stace DeWolf)

“I think because I’ve gone in a new direction and I’m trying to find a better and new way to live, the seriousness of my work and the effort that I’m putting in is why things have really turned around in the last three or four years.”

While DeWolf’s visual expression is somewhat therapeutic for himself, it’s also rooted in his desire to help others with their own mental health battles.

“Life is so much more than just about paying your bills and working a job, and then retiring and dying,” he says. “I think life is more about what you can have, and what you can do with it, and finding purpose in how you can be more impactful in this world, and how you can help people.”

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