Image Credit: Canadian Press
Single-use plastics

City to begin rolling out single use plastic bag bylaw next spring

Jul 10, 2019 | 12:36 PM

KAMLOOPS — Kamloops City Council is asking staff to consult with Kamloops residents and businesses about a proposed single-use plastic bag ban.

A draft bylaw was brought to council at yesterday’s (July 9) regular meeting.

So far, City staff has modeled its bylaw after Victoria’s.

The City will be looking into fees for and material composition of alternative bags.

“For example, in the City of Victoria they’ve included a minimum percentage of recycled material content in those alternatives,” said Sustainability Services Supervisor, Glen Cheetham. “We’ll be looking at compliance, how to address compliance issues in terms of businesses participating. And, probably most importantly is to really engage the community and begin to educate them on what this policy is about.”

Cheetham says residents will still be able to purchase plastic bags as trash liners.

The revised draft bylaw will be brought back before council in November and the plan is to have the policy in place by spring of 2020.

“We’ve gotten a lot of support for this policy,” Cheetham said. “And, we’ve heard the same from the business community and leaders that we’ve met with so far. There are certainly some concerns. But, I do believe overall people see the benefit of reducing the amount of waste that we’re generating.”

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