Image Credit: CFJC Today

North Shore neighbours hold Bike Rodeo to promote community togetherness

Jun 24, 2019 | 2:42 PM

KAMLOOPS — On Saturday, the McDonald Park Neighborhood Association hosted a fun event to help boost bike safety for the kids in their community.

Volunteers were on hand to help teach kids about staying safe when they’re riding their bikes. The kids were given a quick demonstration, then got to test out their newfound skills on a course the volunteers laid out for them. The event was part of a fundraising effort the Association has undertaken to help beautify the McDonald Park space.

“We used to have a pool here, and we don’t now, but we didn’t want the buildings to get all tagged and damaged,” Bike Rodeo co-organizer Debbie Nadeau explained. “We decided if we put beautiful murals on the buildings, they won’t get tagged so easily… so we’re raising money to get these murals put onto these buildings. We have enough for one building already, so every little bit we can do goes towards putting the murals on.”

The Association also wanted to give people in the neighborhood a chance to meet their neighbours, as well as enjoy the park space in the area. Event organizers say by holding events like the fun day and bike rodeo, they’re helping make sure they keep that park space safe.

“Years ago, you knew your neighbor. You’d be in the backyard, you’d invite them over for a barbecue… Now we’re indoors, and we don’t necessarily know our neighbours, we don’t know the people who live around us,” McDonald Park Neighborhood Committee board member Sean Nickel said. “Events like this give us the opportunity to get out, introduce ourselves to our neighbors, know who they are.”

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