GINTA: The problem that just doesn’t go away
A FEW DAYS A WEEK Peterson Creek Park is infused with tiny visitors. In winter they slide down slopes, waddling like adorable penguins bundled up in bright colours and cute hats. On rainy days they jump in puddles with the same level of energy. The outdoor preschool is in session.
In a traditional school, teachers prepare the class in whatever way necessary before the students arrive. For an outdoor school, you’d think the preparations are already done. After all, nature stands at the ready. True, but people mess it up at times. Literally.
For this preschool crowd, the usual routine has the teachers show up earlier so they can pick up the dog poop, which is found all around the main entrance and along the main trails. They pick it up so the kids don’t step in it. It’s the same routine every day; a messy Sisyphean task if you will.
Picking up the poop is one of the least pleasant aspects of owning a dog. Then again, it’s an inevitable part of life no matter the species. In case of pets, one can argue that they give back in countless ways so there’s the motivation.