Is our justice system letting us down?
KAMLOOPS — Once again, I toss my midweek-written column. I had started writing about the troublesome aspect of our present-day life, which is the excess we have created. Put in the context of the growing mountains of garbage, plastic waste in particular, it seems ridiculous and irresponsible to add more to the pile. But we do, and every weekly flyer is proof to that. I was also mentioning the absurdity of seeing Christmas items already in stores (the story of garbage has many chapters indeed.)
I will save it for another week; nothing will change in the meantime, except for more flyers arriving in the mail tempting us to buy more so we can have more so we can actually have less. Among other things, less gratitude and a lesser sense of responsibility towards our future; our children’s future.
This last sentence sounded awfully hollow though as I read the latest in the case of Jesse Simpson, the then 18-year-old teenager who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time on June 19, 2016. He was attacked, severely beaten with a baseball bat, and now requires 24-hour care in a long-term care facility. He will never be the same again.
I teared up as I read the article. My oldest is now 16 and a half, a teenager in all ways; but he is loved just the same, hugged just the same. He tells me stories of his adventures and I sometimes I shake my head. ‘You silly kids…’ is what I say to some of them. We laugh together, we argue too and I nag him regularly, lovingly so, but I do, while I rejoice in the way he still calls to me ‘to hang out and chat for a while.’ And he listens. They do, even when it seems that they do not.