‘The end of an era’: Canada’s last Cold War destroyer retires after final sail
HALIFAX — In its heyday, it was one of Canada’s largest fighting ships — built for operations in the North Atlantic as a helicopter-carrying submarine hunter with a crew of more than 250.
But the big gun on HMCS Athabaskan thundered its final salvos Wednesday, as Canada’s last Cold War-era destroyer enters retirement after more than 44 years of service.
It was deployed during the first Gulf War in 1990, delivered aid after Hurricane Katrina in 2006 and Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, and responded to international troublespots to fulfil Canada’s NATO obligations under the ship’s motto “We Fight As One.”
“Your first vessel is usually your first love and I do say that’s true,” said Peter Rigby, who served more than 19 years on Athabaskan and retired as a petty officer first class. “Athabaskan is my first love of the sea.”