Christmas travel smooth across the Interior

Dec 24, 2015 | 10:26 AM

KAMLOOPS — It’s one of the busiest travel days of the year as people scramble to make it home in time for Christmas.

Whether you’re driving, flying or taking the bus, it can be stressful time with potential delays and unsettling road conditions.

Travellers like Shane Nasmith are making their way through the Kamloops Airport today, a day before Christmas, wanting to meet up with family and friends for the holiday. 

Nasmith is Toronto-bound after spending a week in Sun Peaks. 

“I just spent a week skiing at Sun Peaks, and the snow was fabulous,” says Nasmith. “Now we’re going to Toronto. I’ve got a bunch of family here, and we’re going to meet up with other family in Toronto.” 

Paul Gifford and his family, returning home from Guelph, also spent a week in Sun Peaks. 

“There was a lot of snow, and there’s no snow where we’re going in Guelph,” says Gifford. “It’s 16 degrees and muddy. We were in a winter wonderland for a week. It was fantastic.”

It is so warm in ontario that Gifford is planning on taking part in spring-like activities when they get home. 

“I think we’re going to go canoeing. That’s how warm it is,” he says. “All the rivers are running and the lakes are open.” 

The high in Toronto hit 13 degrees today. On the contrary, travellers arriving in Kamloops today were treated to snow.

While tuesday and wednesday were busy times at the Kamloops Airport, Christmas Eve sees many last-minute travellers eager to get home for the holidays. 

“This period between Christmas and New Year’s is the busiest time of the year for the airport, so it’s going to be busy,” says Managing Director of the airport Fred Legace. “A lot of people who don’t travel at all, except for Christmas, are also travelling at the same time, so there’s a little bit of angst.”

Despite the overnight snowfall, flights in and out of Kamoops are on time, music to the ears of travellers like Paul, who’s eager to get back home and tuck his kids into bed tonight before Santa arrives. 

“Presents from Santa, although their present was the trip. But Santa is apparently going to come with more presents,” Gifford hinted.