Peterson Creek Multi-Use Path to open to public next week

Oct 4, 2018 | 4:43 PM

KAMLOOPS — It hasn’t officially opened to the public, but the Peterson Creek Multi-Use Path is already getting plenty of use. 

“Even though it’s not actually open we’ve seen lots of people out here using it,” said Liam Baker, transportation engineer for the City of Kamloops. “I think people understand that it’s a great way of accessing the park, and getting to and from neighbourhoods of the city once they come and ride or walk it.” 

The path is expected to officially open to pedestrians and cyclists next week. 

Originally, the plan was to complete the pathway this summer, but a series of construction delays pushed the opening date. 

“The first delay was wildfire related in the summer of 2017,” Baker said. “We were delayed in the start up for about a month, a month and a half, because the work in the parkland was limited.”

The project also hit a snag with groundwater issues, requiring additional costs for stabilization. 

“The end budget for the pathway was $3.7 million. The original budget was $3.35, and we went back to council for an additional $350,000 for the mitigation of the groundwater issues,” Baker said.

With the major delays now behind them, workers are putting the finishing touches on the path, setting up lighting along the 1.7 km stretch. 

“It will be open to the public probably next week once we get the last bit of lighting working properly,” Baker said, “and then the official grand opening with MLAs, provincial representatives, mayor and council, and TteS will be towards the end of October, October 26th.”