Greens tap Grindrod farmer Madden as candidate in Kamloops-Shuswap-Central Rockies
KAMLOOPS —The Green Party of Canada has named a candidate in one of the two Kamloops ridings so far, with Owen Madden set to run in Kamloops-Shuswap-Central Rockies in next month’s federal election.
The Green Party has a tandem at the head of the table in Ottawa in Elizabeth May and Johnathan Pednault, who will look to bolster their numbers in Ottawa where they hold just two seats.
“The Green Party is the only party that is willing to take on two challenges at the same time. The first challenge is how wealth is being condensed in too few hands in this nation. Too few people hold too much of the wealth. And the Green Party is willing to call that out and change that situation and make this a fairer society for us all. And second, the Green Party doesn’t shy away from the need for us to transition to a green economy,” said Madden.