Future of Lytton Library set to be discussed this summer
LYTTON, B.C. — Staff at the Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) will be looking at a number of options and partnership opportunities as they try to determine the future of library services in the Village of Lytton.
Residents in the Lytton area are currently being served by a mobile library every third Thursday after the library at the Village Office was destroyed by the Lytton Creek fire in 2021.
The new direction to TNRD staff comes after the Board of Directors voted in favour of a notice of motion from Area “I” Director Tricia Thorpe during their March 6 meeting.
As part of her motion, Thorpe wanted TNRD staff to investigate opportunities to establish library services in partnership with non-profits and/or nearby First Nations. She also wanted staff to determine whether to continue with mobile library only, and to also review any other options that may come up.