COLLINS: Who’s Your Choice?
MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL, who is the fairest one of all?
Is it the quick-to-place-blame Pierre, or the man who walks out of the Liberal fire to make the party rise from the ashes? These questions will be answered in a month, when Pierre of Polievre, Esq., who until recently seemed the heir-apparent to the throne previously occupied by the despised Justin.
Justin, son of a different Pierre, whose star was bright until his people no longer saw the light, and cast him aside as they would a spear broken and dull from warding off the enemy on the fields of battle.
His tribe, poised to abandon the throne, were suddenly given new life with the arrival of the great Carnac the Magnificent (apologies, Johnny), devoid of skills in the halls of Parliament, but wise in the ways of spending the almighty dollar.