B.C. doles out grant funding to bolster food manufacturing sector
KELOWNA, B.C. — The B.C. government is contributing $6.6 million in grant funding to food manufacturing firms across the province, saying it will help create jobs and bolster domestic food security.
Jobs Minister Diana Gibson says money from the province’s manufacturing jobs fund will go to seven B.C. companies, including $2 million to Kelowna-based Farming Karma Fruit Co. for a new processing facility and equipment.
Gibson says the funding will help create 32 jobs in Kelowna, while other firms receiving funding include One Degree Organic Foods in Mission, which makes cereals and other products from non-genetically modified ingredients.
The minister says investing in the province’s food manufacturing sector is crucial to strengthening the B.C. economy, while it’s under threat of “unjustified” tariffs from the United States.