SRD K9s of BC gives Kamloops Christian School students a glimpse into search dog training
KAMLOOPS — Friday (Jan. 31) was a different kind of job shadow for local students, as the headquarters of the Search, Recovery and Detection (SRD) K9s of BC served as the classroom for third graders from Kamloops Christian School (KCS).
“I just love that they get to see dogs that are learning and being trained in a job. And I love that the kids get to see how well the dogs are and how excited they are to be here,” says KCS teacher Carolyn Cotito. “I think that’s really fun for them to see how excited the dogs are, and of course this is an incredible community service.”
The non-profit spends hundreds of hours every year combing the area for people who are missing. The group has been working out of a space donated by the Cooper Family Foundation for the next ten years. Since moving in, SRD K9s has welcomed hundreds of school groups, and the hands-on experience gives students an opportunity to learn how dogs are able to help in searches.