Image Credit: CFJC Today / Adam Donnelly
Sound Off

SOUND OFF: Kamloops Citizens United should be more transparent about the donations it is receiving

Jan 31, 2025 | 2:18 PM

GREEK PHILOSOPHER SOCRATES once said, “The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavour to be what you desire to appear” — meaning credibility isn’t just about branding or public relations. Credibility is about consistently living up to your values and nothing damages that more than hypocrisy.

That’s why I’m concerned about the self-appointed Kamloops city council watchdog group, Kamloops Citizens United (KCU), which proudly claims to be the “voice of taxpayers and residents of Kamloops.”

I respect their enthusiasm and willingness to speak their minds as public debate is essential in a democratic society. However, their approach to fundraising raises serious ethical concerns.

On January 25, KCU shared screenshots of a column by Doug Collins alongside a solicitation for donations. Their post stated:

“We will continue to work towards improved accountability, communication, and transparency (ACT) within our city hall—but we need the support of you, the taxpayer. We ask that you please consider a donation to assist with expenses and legal costs. Every dollar is truly appreciated.”

This appeal for funds was shared across multiple Kamloops-focused Facebook groups. When people, including myself, asked basic questions about how much money had been raised and where it was going, we were met with silence by the KCU Facebook page. Instead, KCU members and supporters dismissed legitimate concerns, accusing anyone who asked for transparency of being “anonymous trolls” or secret allies of City Hall. (Full disclosure: Bill Sarai was my mailman and we are friendly in public and Dale Bass and I have fund-raised for numerous Kamloops groups and she is my friend.)

Asking for money to sue the city is a serious matter and if KCU expects the public’s trust, they need to earn it.

Who is donating?

How much has been raised?

Where is the money going?

By refusing to answer these questions, KCU is engaging in the very behaviour they claim to oppose — operating without transparency.

Transparency and accountability are not optional when asking people for money for political purposes. If KCU claims to represent Kamloops taxpayers, then those same taxpayers have every right to know where the money is coming from and how it’s spent. Are donations coming from small contributions? Is a well-funded entity backing them? Without disclosure, there is no trust — just suspicion and speculation.

KCU has repeatedly called for higher standards from City Hall, especially regarding the alternative approval process (AAP). They argued that the city should go beyond its legal obligations to ensure public awareness. If the KCU wants to hold people to a higher standard, they should start by looking in the mirror.

Are they hiding donors because revealing them would expose a conflict of interest? Are they worried that disclosure might damage their credibility? When an organization refuses to answer basic questions, people will start drawing their own conclusions.

That’s why I’m calling on KCU to adopt clear standards for receiving, tracking and disclosing donations. They should proactively publish records of how much they’ve raised and exactly how it’s spent.

Failing to do so is a slap in the face to Kamloops taxpayers. If KCU truly wants to be the voice of Kamloops residents, they need to practice what they preach. Disclose your donors, account for the money raised and prove that you care about the same accountability you demand from others.

Anything less is blatant hypocrisy.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.