Build Kamloops alternative approval process passes; performing arts centre to break ground next year
KAMLOOPS — The City of Kamloops has announced the alternative approval processes succeeded for the first phase of the Build Kamloops strategy.
In a news conference on the steps of City Hall Monday (Sept. 23), city officials said 4,025 voter forms were received stating opposition to borrowing for a four-sheet arena multiplex, and 5,802 forms were received opposing borrowing to build a performing arts centre. Both of those totals were well below the 10 per cent of Kamloops electors required to either trigger a referendum or scrap the projects all together.
The city says groundbreaking for the performing arts centre, which will be built at Seymour Street and Fourth Avenue, will take place in 2025. Work on the arena multiplex, which will be built near the entrance to Kenna Cartwright Park off Hillside Drive, will begin in 2026.