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One Man's Opinion

COLLINS: Political musings from the dark recesses of my mind

Sep 15, 2024 | 6:00 AM

JUST A FEW THOUGHTS this Sunday after another crazy week in politics.

Is it just me, or are you surprised, too, that so much has focused on Harris-versus-Trump and little on anything in Canada? No question that Kamala Harris won Tuesday’s debate. She had The Donald off his game, and he was clearly rattled. He talked his usual line of lies and deceit, stooping low in many of his barbs against Harris and continuing his stupidity in trying to make us believe that a group of immigrants were killing neighbourhood dogs and cats for food. It doesn’t get any worse than that. And yet half the voters still plan to vote for Don.

In that same vein, why is the campaign so dependent on the views of a rock star? Why does Taylor Swift’s opinion matter? I’m a big Swiftie, but I really don’t think she’s any more capable than me of debating politics. And yet her influence carries big weight judging by social media and an uptick in polling numbers and donations.

Moving right along, you might get caught up more in the big hype south of the border, but there are big events going on in Canada, too, that will require our scrutiny as we look ahead to our next year or two. B.C. is at a critical stage, whether you like it or not. Who do we vote for? Can you even name the candidates in your own riding? Is Kamala Harris worth our attention because it’s a gong show and we aren’t interested in the less-than-Ringling-Brothers show between two parties on opposite ends of the political spectrum here?

And in Ottawa, there is an increased chance of a snap federal election if the opposition is successful in an upcoming non-confidence vote.

Surely while the circus makes its way through the U.S., we should be paying a lot more attention to our own future in B.C. and Canada.

I’m Doug Collins and that’s One Man’s Opinion.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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