Image Credit: CFJC Today

Kamloops MP Caputo prepared for potential early election as lawmakers return to Ottawa

Sep 10, 2024 | 5:30 PM

KAMLOOPS — “The landscape has certainly shifted, but the question is, will the NDP be true to their word? Will they be opposition?” mused Kamloops Thompson Cariboo MP Frank Caputo as he prepares to return to Ottawa next week.

With the supply and confidence agreement between the NDP and Liberals gone, parliament will now hang on every confidence motion, with the Liberals needing to secure support from either the NDP or Bloc Quebecois to remain in power. Caputo’s Tories, meantime, are expected to be gunning for an early election.

“What it does mean is that we could head to the polls earlier and I will be ready if we do head to the polls earlier,” said Caputo. “There is also a chance the prime minister could do what is called prorogation, or prorogue parliament, which essentially suspends parliament to buy him some time. It would appear as an act of desperation, but he could do that and that would also buy some time. I have no idea what we are looking at as a political observer. I am actually kind of interested to see where this goes.”

By no means are we guaranteed an early election, with the previous parliament running without an agreement for years before Justin Trudeau called a vote himself.

“Conservatives will be trying to bring down this government whenever they get the chance,” said TRU political science associate professor Robert Hanlon. “The question is, can the Liberals still garner enough support from the Bloc and the NDP to sustain itself? The hardest test will be in the spring when the budget comes out. But as for the current situation, I think there will be a bit of waiting and seeing.”

“Confidence votes do come up quite frequently and we do have what are called Opposition Day motions where we can move a motion that there is no confidence in the government, in which case the Bloc and the NDP will have to decide where they stand. My hope is that Justin Trudeau doesn’t negotiate with the separatist Bloc. They seem really eager to extract everything they can from this,” added Caputo.

While Trudeau could look to the Bloc, Hanlon believes a formal agreement would be seen negatively by the rest of the country, when all parties will be jockeying for political position.

“You are going to have a lot of, I think, quick maneuvering around the policy areas, careful watching of polling and again very strategic maneuvering between now and next October,” said Hanlon.

Whenever Canadians return to the polls, be it the scheduled October 2025 date or earlier, Caputo plans to be on the ballot in Kamloops.

“I will be running again. I definitely have one more left in me, maybe more. We will have to see. Every time you have to evaluate,” said Caputo. “I will be running in the Kamloops Thompson Nicola riding and Mel Arnold will be running in the other riding that has about a third of Kamloops in it.”

The House of Commons resumes sitting on Monday, September 16.

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