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One Man's Opinion

COLLINS: A crazy summer is just about gone

Sep 1, 2024 | 6:00 AM

I’M NOT SURE WHAT TO THINK about this summer.

We started the year off with very low snowpacks and fears of a continuation of a major drought that created serious problems in 2023. Gradually, we got into wildfire season, and a couple of major fires caused a lot of concern. One burned down a significant portion of Jasper, Alberta — another did damage to a large swath in the area between Ashcroft, Cache Creek and Spences Bridge.

Then things suddenly shifted. After a few record-breaking, blistering hot days, a series of storms brought a fair bit of rain, which cooled things down fairly quickly. As we sit in the middle of the Labour Day weekend, the unofficial start to fall, it’s tough to figure out whether still-dry forests will be a problem, or the worst is over. Fingers crossed it will be the latter.

On another note, tomorrow is Labour Day. I consider it one of those holidays that is a waste of time, well past its “best before” date. Founded in 1872, the day has always been a reminder of the fight for the working man. It’s lost some of its glitz along the way, but you don’t have to look far to see what’s going on between labour and management. With all the turbulence in the world today, clashes are inevitable and I think labour unions will be with us for some time — to act as a safeguard of workers’ rights if nothing else. They still have a major purpose in our lives.