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Sound Off

SOUND OFF: TRU provost says future of Respiratory Therapy program is bright

Aug 20, 2024 | 4:00 PM


I am writing in response to Doug Collins’ recent op-ed concerning changes to the location for some portions of training in Thompson Rivers University’s Respiratory Therapy program. While I understand the concerns raised, I want to clarify a few points that may have been misunderstood.

Contrary to the implication in Mr. Collins’ piece, the Respiratory Therapy program has not been cancelled, nor is it being reduced in any way. In fact, the program is thriving and expanding to meet increasing provincial demands.

Nor has TRU moved the program off campus, as Mr. Collins suggests. We are seeking additional space off campus so that we can accommodate growth in the program. Over the past four years, the program has added 60 funded seats, demonstrating our commitment to training more healthcare professionals in this vital field.

However, space changes on campus have taken place to move the pediatric clinic to the Chappell Family Building for Nursing and Population Health, providing valuable clinical experience for these students. The space vacated by moving this clinic provides an opportunity for the university to use the space more efficiently.

It’s important to note that TRU administrators must continually assess the use of on-campus space to ensure it is being used effectively for the benefit of students, faculty and staff. Space at TRU is extremely limited, and every decision regarding its use is carefully made with this in mind.

These changes are intended to optimize resources and do not signify a reduction in the quality or availability of the Respiratory Therapy program. Students will continue to receive the hands-on experience essential to their training.

Accurate information is crucial for the community, especially regarding educational programs that directly impact healthcare in our region. TRU remains committed to providing high-quality education to our students, including those in the Respiratory Therapy program.

Thank-you for raising attention to this important issue and allowing TRU the opportunity to clarify the public record. We are in no way diminishing the importance or quality of this program by moving portions of the training to a new location. On the contrary, we are more committed than ever to ensuring that our region’s healthcare needs are met through quality post-secondary programs and education.


Gillian Balfour, Provost and VP Academic


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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